Monday, 4 November 2013

What Would Your Note Say?

I saw this posted on Facebook and it got me thinking...

My immediate thought was “two words? How the *BLEEP* will I manage with only two words?”  Also, if you could write such a note and by some miracle travel back in time to deliver it to a younger self, why on earth would you waste the opportunity by only writing two words on that note? No, no, no, I would need more than a couple of pages, fine lined, double sided, thank you very much!

Having said that, let’s see, what would I say with limited words…

I guess what I write would depend greatly on what age my younger self is at the time of receiving such phantom note.

If I were a youngster in primary school, let’s say ten years old, it would be easy.  My note would simply say: “Play more!”  I’d tie the note to a small rock, toss it to myself on the school playground and head straight back to the present. 

If, however, my miracle time machine took me to a teenage version of myself, things would get a bit trickier.  I would have a number of two-worded notes to deliver, and they would read something like this:

“Report bullies”
“Participate more”
“Sleep more”
“Study harder”
“Be more confident”
“Stand up for yourself”
“Pick a hairstyle!”

But this is where I would need more words, to say things like:

“Teachers are not always right”
“Learn to channel negative thoughts into positive ones”
“Give the future a bit more serious thought”

As we grow older and life gets more serious, the advice required gets more complicated.  This is only natural. 

A note to a twenty-one-year-old me would read:

“Date more”
“Sleep less”
“Party harder”
“Open savings account”
“Have you picked that hairstyle yet?

Twenty-five and my notes now read:

“Nice hair!”
“Fantastic body!”
“Recognise the above and be more confident”
“Be more outgoing”
“Dance more!”
“Take more risks”
“Have more faith”
“Select boyfriends more carefully”
“Open savings account. Now!”
“Exercise, please!”

Thirty-two-me is at university and will get a whole stack of pink Post-it notes:

“Fantastic husband! Good job!”
“Make more friends”
“Choose a different line of study”
“Choose a different university”
“Don’t allow exes of any kind to walk over you”
“Embrace positive people and thoughts”
“Go. To. Gym!”
“Try to get a degree or try to get pregnant, but don’t try both at the same time”

I am thirty-seven and my notes now read:

“Be less afraid”
“Loose weight”
“Read more”
“Write, write, write!”
“You hate your job, your boss is a tool.  Quit!”
“Your stepson is a teenager, he hates everyone, not just you.  This too shall pass.”

See how much more complex these notes get?  Life, huh?

And now, with me about to turn forty-three?  What would my notes say now?

“Write more”
“Read more”
“Look after your health”
“Don’t worry so much about life’s what-if’s
“Sometimes we don’t get what we want.  Accept that and learn to want what you got”
 “Not everyone will like you.  Embrace those who do. Forget those who don’t”
“Your husband is happy, you are happy.  Little else really matters”
“You actually turned out ok, kid. Don’t let negative people tell you otherwise”
“Embrace kindness and pay it forward”
“Let go”
“Love harder”
“Play more”
“Breathe.  Just breathe”

There you have it.  Life, along with my imaginary notes got very complicated there for a while, but thankfully, it seems the adage is correct, with age comes a certain level of wisdom and an ability to break down complex issues to their simpler forms.  Let go, love harder, play more.  And above all else, don’t forget to breathe…

What would your notes say?

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