This is my 50th blog post! Whoo-hoo!
have been wondering what to blog about to mark the occasion. Oh, I have a lot on my
mind, but which of those many thoughts should I choose to
share? Decisions, decisions...
Do I write about how difficult it sometimes is to find something meaningful to blog about or should
I tell you about our trip to Dubai last week? Maybe talk about life as an
Expat, and explain a bit about the (mostly) unspoken but generally
accepted and adhered to rules of being such an Expat? Should I share my ideas
around friendship or talk about simple acts of kindness that
can add sunshine to a dreary day?
sipping my Rosehip-Peach tea and writing the above, I decided to rather share
with you that The Voice of Reason bought me a new laptop in Dubai. Whilst I am
over the moon with the purchase, I am suffering for it. Let me explain…
bought me a much-coveted MacBook Air, as my Lenovo was starting to act
up due to old age and tired batteries (the battery never lasted more than 30
minutes on a good day, so it was time for a replacement). I thought
I'd only get it in December, but TVoR decided that now was a good time, since
electronics are cheaper in Dubai than in Jordan (Now there's an
understatement!). So, purchase was made, wife happy, hubby reeling -
shiny new toy, understand?
Came home after the trip, hubby transferred everything from the old pc to Maccie*
over here and voila! Time to start working on the new acquisition.
is where I am used to finding it. Nothing is intuitive. I now have to look for
things in folders called Launchpad and Finder. I giggle every time, and I mean
every time I click on Launchpad. I cringe when I look at the teeny-tiny fonts
in every application that has to be changed individually. I have no idea where
to find my folders (You would think in Finder, right? Not necessarily).
I can't figure out where or indeed if I have a Photo Manager where I can
crop and compress pictures to load on my blog or Facebook. Ouch!
said all that, I am having a jolly fine time trying to figure all of this out.
If Google handed out Frequent Flyer Miles to their users, I would be
traveling First Class all the way. I am sure that I will be able to
operate Maccie like a…uhm… Pro one of these days. What is that
saying? From your lips to God's Ears…
* I
am not one of those people who name all their appliances. I do, however, name
plants and cars. The idea of typing M-a-c-B-o-o-k A-i-r every time I
am referring to the new toy is just too much, hence Maccie.
Congrats on the shiny new toy. And the half-century.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the folders. As fed-up as I am with Windows, I love the control I have over my files and folders. Apple and Android don't have that. Hope you figure Maccie out soon.
Thanks, Herman!
ReplyDeleteMust say, I am struggling a bit with Maccie. I am almost at the point where I want to read the manual. Almost :-)