Monday, 1 July 2013

Gardening, le Roux-style: Update

Here's an update on our "Let's prettify our balcony" project:

Emily's tomato was successfully adopted, found a new container and a stick to lean on.  Rosa is already showing off quite a number of small yellow flowers and we are hoping to see itty-bitty tomatoes soon.

Such is my personality:  if sowing one or two seeds may yield some success, sowing about a hundred seeds of each variety of herb will 100% guarantee success.  Will have to thin these out today. 
From left to right, back to front we have more tomatoes; thyme; yet-to-be-seen peppers (mind you, the mini-peppers probably came up, looked around, saw there was no space and receded again); lettuce and finally spring onions. 
I find it absolutely amazing that both the lettuce and spring onions already smell and taste like they are supposed to.  Of course, the Voice of Reason pointed out that, given my current medical state I probably should not be taste-testing the plants. Blah!

We added two more pots: pink-and-white and more purple to add a bit of pizzazz.  One of the pots seemed to have either sprung a leak or the base may be too small.  I am keeping my eye on the geranium, I suspect it is her...
Despite having her head slightly cut off in this picture and being planted in the Death Corner, Miss Olive Grove is still going strong.  Let's hope this continues.  Summer is here...

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