Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Pie in the Sky?

Last night my darling husband spent about 3 hours (if not more) fiddling with my laptop and iPhone, to declare triumphantly and with a gleam in his eyes that all my information is now safely stored in some or the other... cloud!? 

This concerns me greatly, as I have no idea where this cloud is or why it would want my "stuff".  What's my data doing in this cloud? Playing with puppies and chasing rainbows, perhaps?  What happens to my information if it rains, does it disappear like mist in the wind and who can see my cloud?  Is my cloud pretty and fluffy or is a storm brewing? 

And the name:  iCloud.  If I understand it (even remotely) correctly, this is where precious documents, photos, passwords and contact details are stored.  Why not give it a more solid name, like iRock, or paper or scissors, for that matter.

I have many, many questions about iCloud, but for now I must go.  AndrĂ© is trying to contact me via something called Tango, which surprises me, 'cause he's never showed any great interest in dancing...


  1. Not a big fan of cloud computing myself, so I understand your trepidation. I'm still a fan of hard drives, DVDs and hard copy printouts. Don't like the idea of all my data floating around somewhere. Die Afrikaanse uitdrukking: verdwyn soos mis voor die son, kom by my op.

  2. It just feels... wrong? I'm all for moving with the times and keeping up with the Kard... (Oh, wait. That's a different story) but having all my info and pictures etc up in some i(maginary)Cloud does not appeal to me!
